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Energy Performance
AccuFrame® Energy Seal is a new economical innovation designed to help provide a solution to the increased energy efficiency demands required in new home construction.
Today's builders are struggling to meet production demands with a limited skilled-labor pool while simultaneously trying to meet new energy code mandates. AccuFrame® Energy Seal can help solve both problems!
Specifications and Testimonials
"...it appears that the AccuFrame® product can provide much of the air leakage control needed for homebuilders to meet the tough new Air Leakage requirements of the ECCCNYS-2016."
Michael DeWein, Strategic Program Director, Leidos
Energy Performance
AccuFrame® Energy Seal helps solve two problems at once! The AccuFrame® Energy Seal method allows builders to optimize scarce framing labor by providing workers with a template for stud placement that also serves as an air isolation gasket once it's in place. By preprinting framing stud locations on a pliable gasket substrate that attaches to the wall plates, workers can quickly place and nail the studs to the plates, integrating the gasket into the frame (installation video). When the exterior sheathing is attached to the completed wall frame, the AccuFrame® gasket, which runs the length of the wall plate, is compressed between the plate and the sheathing, automatically forming another air-flow barrier. This 4-way sealing reduces air intrusion by more than 75% (ASTM E283).

Your product offers a solution to a critical air sealing step for all builders. Its benefits are realized almost immediately- through lower heating and cooling costs and even more importantly, a more comfortable home for its occupants.
AccuFrame® Energy Seal helps solve two problems at once! The AccuFrame® Energy Seal method allows builders to optimize scarce framing labor by providing workers with a template for stud placement that also serves as an air isolation gasket once it's in place. By preprinting framing stud locations on a pliable gasket substrate that attaches to the wall plates, workers can quickly place and nail the studs to the plates, integrating the gasket into the frame (installation video). When the exterior sheathing is attached to the completed wall frame, the AccuFrame® gasket, which runs the length of the wall plate, is compressed between the plate and the sheathing, automatically forming another air-flow barrier. This 4-way sealing reduces air intrusion by more than 75% (ASTM E283).

Specifications and Whole House Testing
AccuFrame® Energy Seal is a relatively new product but has undergone a substantial amount of testing in engineering laboratories and recently in a whole house test. Results have been impressive in state agency architectural testing labs and in actual whole house construction testing.

Habitat for Humanity test home. AccuFrame in action!